TChain of Kindness by @echoingwitchhouse6652 | Sunoype your paragraph here.
Real Acts of Caring - 65 Most Popular Ideas submitted by RAC Leadership Students
1. Offer to carry groceries for an elderly person or anyone else especially in extreme weather.
2. Say "I love you" to someone you love.
3. Hold a door open for someone and smile.
4. Donate clothes, books, games or toys which are in good condition which you no longer need.
5. Out of the blue, make a card for a friend to let them know what they mean to you.
6. Say "please" and "thank you"—and really mean it.
7. When you're on a crowded train or bus, offer your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant
person. You could also offer it to ANYONE, just because.
8. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while rather than texting, and really listen to them rather than focusing on what you are planning to say next.
9. Even if your neighbor isn’t homebound, when you’re running to the store, ask if they need anything, especially if the weather is bad.
10. Donate your used books, magazines, or cloth bags to your local library.
11. Praise someone in your life for doing a good job.
12. Acknowledge elderly people, help them if they need it, smile, and offer some small talk.
13. When you finish raking your lawn, rake your neighbour’s lawn too.
14. Take a stand for someone who is being wrongly treated or bullied.
15. Buy someone at a local coffee shop a free drink. You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel to see them look surprised and happy.
15. Fold up laundry for others, unexpectedly.
16. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
17. Have good manners.
18. Volunteer and donate some of your time to a charity.
19. Talk to a shy person who is by themselves at a social function.
20. Greet people with a smile and an enthusiastic hello. Acknowledge people when they walk into the room. It only takes a moment and we really, really appreciate it!
21. When you receive good service, tell the person’s manager or boss.
22. Leave a newspaper, book or magazine for someone else when you’re finished.
23. Give up complaining for a whole week!
24. Be respectful and kind to someone you dislike.
25. Teach someone some skills in the cyber world.
26. Give your pet or someone else’s pet an hour of positive loving attention.
27. Call or write a teacher who changed your life.
28. Help a friend move.
29. Recycle your garbage, and someone else’s, after a movie, picnic or visit to a park.
30. Volunteer to take care of a friend or neighbor’s pet when they go on vacation.
31. Offer to babysit for a single mother.
32. Start a neighborhood garden.
33. Shop at local businesses.
34. Volunteer at a food bank.
35. Throw someone a surprise party.
36. Volunteer at a senior center.
37. Buy some flowers and go into local businesses and give out flowers to people who work there.
38. Mentor an at-risk child or teenager by becoming a big brother or big sister.
39. Donate stuffed animals to police and fire departments.
40. Donate items to emergency pet hospitals, such as blankets and towels.
41. Grow your hair long and donate it.
42. Bring a care package to a sick friend or someone in the hospital.
43. On special occasions have people donate to charities in lieu of giving you gifts.
44. Be cooperative and patient.
45. Do one of the chores for someone in your family.
46. Make a favorite meal for everyone in your family.
47. Email someone to say that a song or movie (or food or whatever!) reminded you of them.
48. Take a friend out for a treat (coffee, lunch, etc.).
49. Pick up your neighbour's mail and bring it to the house, ask how they’re doing when you drop it off.
50. Plant flowers in a neighbour’s yard while they are away.
51. Sign up for a special event or class with a friend.
52. Give your friend a hug and a compliment.
53. Let the person behind you in line at the grocery store go ahead of you.
54. Bake bread and deliver it to a fire station, group home, etc.
55. Give cookies to your mail carrier.
56. Make kind cards with affirmation statements and pictures and hand them out to strangers.
57. Smile, talk with, and thank store clerks.
58. Clean up a local park with your friends.
59. Pay the toll for the car behind you.
60. Leave an extra big tip for your server.
61. Bake cookies for a neighbor or teacher.
62. Donate to your favorite nonprofit group on your birthday.
63. Volunteer to read to children at your nearest library
64. Buy lunch for the table sitting next to you as you pay your own. Don’t let them know it was
you who paid!
65. Be kinder to yourself by embarking on a self-care campaign.