RAC Heroes for 2021 for the best photo and story:

Citadel Middle School, British Columbia.  Way to go!!!

Here is their story:  This year the students of Citadel decided to do our RAC week as an entire school. Some students met together on Microsoft Teams to come up with ideas. They came up with having a special activity on each day of the week they were all in school. Monday was a holiday so Tuesday became “Tee-Hee Tuesday” where jokes were told throughout the school and even shared over the announcements. “Waving Wednesday” brought many staff and students waving to each other all day long! “Thankful Thursday” had old friends and new friends thanking each other for various reasons. We also had our “Kindness Krew” make up thank you cards for all staff and placed them on the windshields in our parking lot. “Friendship Friday” was a day where Citadelians shared compliments to each other. Again, we shared these with our school community on the announcements.  With the help of one of our EA’s Ms. Schuk and the youth worker Tara, Citadel started a “Mobile Appreciation Station”. We set up a table and placed it in each team area for a day, moving on to the next one until all five teams had a chance to write an appreciation of another person in the school. The staff and students would write on a heart shaped card and place it in a box. Four random cards were announced every morning. We are big on sharing during morning announcements as COVID prevents sharing in person, and we look forward to continuing this all year!