Share RAC
1. Are you looking for a great way to promote positive leadership in your school?Set up a RAC Club! Email us at to share your high-resolution RAC photos and story explaining how you celebrate RAC throughout the year and we will share what you have done on our website. Please submit a written entry no longer than 250 words to Harriette Chang ( with at least one photo of your RAC activity by Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5pm. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your RAC ideas.
2. Watch RAC videos created by Shaw and our students to find out what RAC is about:
3. Check out the RAC Ideas page on our website for our favourite RAC ideas!
4. Lobby at your local city council meeting to promote awareness of RAC Week to your community.
5. If you are an educator, check out our Educator's Manual, see below, for some great ideas to teach your students. Always remember to encourage your students to REFLECT on their RAC experience afterwards. Ask them how 'RAC'ing feels.